
Please help Regency Gardens to improve recycling and reduce waste by following the guidelines below. To learn more about ways to reduce waste, the New York City recycling program, and places to donate used materials, please visit NYCWasteLess.

Some guidelines for recycling at Regency Gardens:

Plastic bottles and jugs, only!
The only plastics that are accepted for recycling in New York City’s curbside recycling program are plastic bottles and jugs, and no other types of plastic. Do not include Styrofoam, plastic tubs, plastic trays, plastic cups, plastic bags, plastic crates, plastic flower pots, plastic toys, plastic tableware, plastic food service clam, shells, or anything plastic ”other than plastic bottles and jugs” in your recycling bin.

No Plastic bags, please
Although you may like transporting items to the bins in plastic bags, empty them and take them home. Plastic bags are not recycled by NYC. As of July 2008, large stores and chain stores with more than five locations in the city that provide plastic bags are required to provide collection bins.

Cartons: Wash and Squash
Cartons that hold milk, juice and other liquids go in the blue bin with plastic, glass and metal. Please rinse cartons – beverage residue can cause cartons to begin breaking down, which makes them unsuitable for recycling.

Rinse and repeat
Be sure to rinse glass and metal food containers before putting them in the bins. Food residue attracts vermin to our buildings and can cause entire bags of recyclables to be rejected at the processing plant.

When in Doubt, throw it out
Unfortunately, putting incorrect items in the bin is harmful, even though the intention is good. Too many incorrect items, and the entire bag can be rejected.

Food-related glass only
Any color glass that contained a food or beverage is recycled by NYC. That means no windows, mirrors, light bulbs, tableware…etc.

No metal is too small
NYC recycles anything that is 50 percent metal or more. Foil, cans, pots and pans, silverware, etc. it is all recyclable. Items that are too big for the bin should be brought downstairs to the compactor room.

Too large for bin?
If something does not fit in the bin, please take it downstairs. If you need help, let a porter or the super know. Please do not fill up the chute room with big items.

Boxes: break them down
Boxes of ALL sizes need to be broken down flat. Boxes that do not fit in the bin must be taken downstairs. We have limited storage at Regency Gardens, so please take the extra minute to stomp or flatten.

No compact fluorescent bulbs
The disposal of the energy saving CFL’s (compact fluorescent light bulbs) in regular garbage poses an environmental hazard. These bulbs should be placed in the recycle bins labeled “CF Bulbs”. The staff will remove the bulbs and dispose of them properly. You can also drop off the bulbs at Home Depot. They have a place to leave these bulbs.